Episode 41 - Fukkatsu no Youkou
Revival of Sunlight
Miaka is saved by Tamahome, then
Tasuki and the others appear, now that Tomo's illusion has been shattered
- Suboshi takes Amiboshi and escapes
- Find out that Tamahome's master had taught him when he journeyed to Kounan
- Tamahome and Miaka meet in the forest and they kiss -- Tamahome says it will be their
last, that he doesn't love her anymore, and that she should forget him
- The master (Tokaki) had told Tamahome to stop the relationship
- Miaka and Chichiri talk to Hotohori through a mirror
- "Kaika" is returned to the village, and Suboshi says "sayoonara"
- Nakago tells Yui that he loves her -- Soi is listening in
- Introducing new Seiryuu seishi -- Miboshi
- Miaka and the pretty young daughter of Tokaki and Subaru (Tokaki's wife), Si-Fan, have
a showdown in the kitchen
- Si-Fan tells Miaka about the legendary tower -- if a girl and her lover kiss there, they
will never be separated
- Like usual, Miaka's cooking tastes really bad
- Turns out the old master Tokaki and his wife Subaru are Byakko seishi
- Even though Tamahome says some horrible things to Miaka, he still eats her cooking
(Tasuki tells him his face is purple)
- Just as Tama is about to kiss Si-Fan, Miaka comes in
- Back in the real world, Tetsuya and Keisuke are almost at Morioka
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