Episode 40 - Itsuwari no Koi
False Love
- Tetsuya reads "The Universe of the Four Gods" while on the bullet train
- Miaka, still in the illusion, is happy about going out with Tomo
- But when she reads about the seven seishi of Suzaku, especially Tamahome, her heart
beats heavily
- Tomo asks her to study with him on Sunday at his place
- Tamahome wakes up in town; he was taken in by his old master
- Tomo and Miaka visit the national library, and she remembers something
- Tomo brings her to his house, tells her their all alone, and puts the moves on her
- Miaka thinks she likes Tomo, so it's okay if she sleeps with him
- Suddenly, she starts to remember everything (in a weird scene involving her falling
through a bubbly liquid - her mind?) -- then she remembers Tama and she starts to resist
- Tomo says it's too late; he's going to rape her so that she can't call Suzaku
- Amiboshi gets free and starts to play the flute, willing Miaka to hear him
- Miaka grabs a pencil and stabs Tomo, shattering the illusion
- Amiboshi protects Miaka; Tomo almost kills him, until Suboshi arrives and kills Tomo --
Amiboshi and Suboshi are reunited
- Amiboshi tries to give his brother the potion but Suboshi drinks and gives it back his
brother in a kiss
- Now that Amiboshi is unconscious, Suboshi starts to confront Miaka at the edge of the
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