Episode 51 - Takusareta Kibou*
A Gift of Hope
* The illustration book lists the title of this as... shoot! I forgot what
my mom translated it as.... sorry.
- Tasuki can't touch Nakago, either
- Nakago says he'll soon be a god, but Tasuki says he'll still fight him, for Chiriko,
Nuriko, and the others
- Chichiri stands in front of him to fight (now he really does sound like Van)
- Chichiri is on the right, Tasuki is on the left, and Tasuki says after they're done, they'll
go have a drink
- Suddenly, Miaka starts reciting the call to Suzaku, glowing with a red light
- The Suzaku Seishi symbols show on her body -- she lifts her head and the "oni" symbol
of Tamahome blazes on her forehead
- Yui's last wish was to give Miaka the power to call Suzaku
- Suzaku (the peacock) appears to fight Seiryuu in the skies above Tokyo
- Keisuke and Tetsuya run in to help out
- Tasuki and Chichiri are destroying buildings left and right, too
- Miaka speaks with Suzakusei-kun, and wishes for Yui to be given back to her
- Tetsuya runs to break Yui's fall, explaining that he wanted to get his name in the book --
this is also the first time you see him without his sunglasses (they're skewed on his face)
- Miaka crumples over -- she's already starting to be eaten, but says she won't be beaten
(ha! I rhyme! ^_^)
- A big block is going to fall on Miaka, but Nuriko holds it back to save her
- Hotohori, Mitsukake, and Chiriko also show up -- then Hotohori asks where Tamahome
- Tamahome is in a little white church, ready to get married to Miaka; all the seishi and
his siblings are there, along with Keisuke and Tetsuya
- Tamahome finds his father and they talk -- his father says to listen carefully, someone is
calling him, and that he has to go back to that place, it's better
- His family says good-bye, and his father tells him to go to that young woman [that's
calling him]
- Tamahome arrives on the scene, ready to fight Nakago
Sorry about some of the insane comments -- it's really late right
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