Episode 45 - Bunki no Hikari
Diverging Light
- Yui calls Seiryuu (and the dragon looks a lot like the Dragonball one)
- Seiryuusei-kun appears and enters Yui's body
- Yui disappears, place starts to break up, the seishi return to Konan
- Yui gives the "kai-jin" command, and the Suzaku seishi lose their powers; Hotohori says
Suzaku has been sealed away
- Nakago says his wish is for eternal life and the power of a god
- Nuriko enters -- it's actually Houki, Hotohori's empress
- Hotohori reminds Miaka that now that they're all normal people, she and Tamahome can
get married
- Kutou's army is on its way; everyone decides to fight
- Miaka realizes that now that they are normal people, they can marry, but they can also
- Miaka tells Tamahome that they'll be together, and if it comes to it, they'll die together
as well; Miaka wants to be his wife
- Soi begs Nakago to remember her love; Nakago says he's better alone
- Miaka's stomach growls while she and Tamahome are....... in bed. They decide it's okay,
they can wait. Tasuki discovers them in bed the next morning and makes an uproar
- They go to fight Kutou, but the Suzaku seishi have no powers
- Soi dies to save Nakago from Tasuki's thrown knife; scene of how she met Nakago
seven years before
- Yui apologizes to Nakago and says "kai-jin" -- her next wish is for her and Miaka to
return, and that Miaka can never enter the world inside the book again
- Miaka wakes up on a desk in her classroom
- Tamahome lays on the floor of the aisle!
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