Episode 39 - Ayashiki no Gensou
Mystic Illusion
- Yui is on her way to Sairokoku, while Soi inadvertently tells Miaka that Nakago didn't
do anything to her after all
- Tamahome is in Tomo's grasp; Amiboshi appears to save him and Tama knocks out
- Miaka meets up with Tama and tells him the good news that she can still call Suzaku
- While Tama and Miaka rejoice, Tomo gets back up and stabs Tama with his feathers;
Tama falls off the cliff
- Miaka gets sucked into one of Tomo's shells, and is told that Tama is dead; she wakes
up in her own world, hitting sensei just like in the beginning of the series
- She can't remember what she was dreaming about, but there's some guy watching her
from across the room
- Tomo watches her in the shell, laughing at her in the illusion
- In the illusion, Miaka gets hit by a soccer ball kicked by that guy; his name's
"Aono-kun" and she supposedly has a crush on him
- In the infirmary, he asks her out; meanwhile, Tomo tells Amiboshi that Aono is his
- While studying, Miaka realizes she doesn't even know Aono's first name. Then she sees
the "oni" character in the kanji book, and when she reads about "Tamahome," her heart starts
beating hard
- Tomo appears outside her window and she goes down to agree to go out with him; he
tells her to call him "Tomo"
- Keisuke, in the meantime, is on his way to Morioka with Tetsuya, and thinks
everything's okay
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